Visual Quality Assessment of Alternative Silvicultural Practices in Upland Hardwood Management
Abs tract: Vis ual im pacts of fore s t ope rations are of incre as ing conce rn to fore s t m anage rs . Tools are available for evaluating, and pote ntialy avoiding, proble m s in vis ual q uality re s ulting from poody de s igne d h arve s t unit boundarie s . One of th e s e visualization tools is applied in com paring various h arve s t unit s h ape alte rnative s in an upland h ardw ood s tand on s te e ply s loping ground. Vis ualization tools w e re found to be m os t s uite d 10 placing s m al le ave s trips w ith in large r cle arcuts for obs curing some are as from vie w and giving th e im pre s s ion of a s e rie s of s m ale r cutting units .
منابع مشابه
Evaluation of site impacts associated with three silvicultural prescriptions in an upland hardwood stand in northern Alabama, USA
Soil disturbance patterns and associated changes in soil physical status were measured in a study that evaluated the implementation of three alternative management prescriptions in an upland hardwood stand in northern Alabama, USA. Management prescriptions applied in this study consisted of a clear-cut, strip cut, and deferment cut that were compared to a non-harvested control. Final tabulation...
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This paper describes changes that have occurred in the silviculture of southern bottomland hardwood forests over the past 25 years, particularly in terms of modifications to existing silvicultural practices, abandonment of unsuitable practices, and development of new practices. Changes in the focus and objectives of hardwood silviculture and the emergence of new concerns to hardwood silvicultur...
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INTRODUCTION Silviculture for the production of high-quality timber in southern bottomland hardwood forests involves the application of environmentally sound practices in order to enhance the growth and quality of both individual trees and stands. To accomplish this purpose, silvicultural practices are typically used to regulate stand density, species composition, and stem quality to promote th...
متن کاملSuccess of Hardwood Tree Plantations in Indiana and Implications for Nursery Managers
The purpose of our study was to address the lack of information on the success of hardwood tree plantations established on nonindustrial private forestlands as it relates to the silvicultural practices employed during the first 5 years following planting. Through a telephone survey of afforesting private landowners and a field assessment of their plantations in Indiana, we found that seedling s...
متن کاملSilvicultural Alternatives in Bottomland Hardwoods and Their Impact on Stand Quality
--Bottomland hardwoods occur on some 35 million acres of forest land in swamps, creek margins, river bottoms, and brown loam bluffs from Virginia to Texas. These hardwood types are very important because the wood has great value and is in demand by forest industries. This article discusses silvicultural alternatives such as site-species relationships, how hardwood timber is used, protection, ti...
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